API Security Testing

API Security Testing

Protect your API endpoints against cyber threats, protect sensitive data, and ensure a secure communication channel between clients and servers. We identify, analyse, and mitigate security vulnerabilities in both RESTful and SOAP APIs. Vantage Point Security API testing combines automated scanning with manual testing techniques to uncover security flaws, ensuring APIs are robust, secure, and compliant with industry standards.

Vulnerability Identification

Detect security vulnerabilities within APIs, including issues related to authentication, authorization, data validation, and more.

Risk Assessment

Evaluate the potential impact and likelihood of identified vulnerabilities to prioritise remediation efforts.

Compliance Verification

Ensure that APIs adhere to relevant security standards and regulations, including OWASP API Security Top 10, to mitigate compliance risks.

Security Enhancement Recommendations

Provide detailed, actionable recommendations for enhancing API security posture and mitigating identified risks.


Our methodology for API Security Testing incorporates industry best practices and standards, tailored to the unique aspects of API security.

  • Automated Scanning: Utilize leading automated tools to identify common vulnerabilities across all API endpoints quickly.
  • Manual Testing and Penetration Testing: Perform in-depth manual testing and penetration techniques to uncover complex security issues that automated tools cannot detect.
  • Security Standards Compliance Check: Assess compliance with the OWASP API Security Top 10, which outlines the most critical security risks to APIs, ensuring comprehensive coverage of potential vulnerabilities.
  • Threat Modeling: Analyse the API architecture to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, taking into account the specific business logic and data flow.

Testing Scope

The testing scope encompasses a wide range of potential security issues within APIs, including, but not limited to:

Authentication and Authorization Flaws:

Testing for vulnerabilities in mechanisms that control user access and permissions.

Injection Flaws:

Identifying risks of SQL Injection, Command Injection, etc., that could allow attackers to manipulate backend functionality.

Data Exposure:

Assessing how data is handled to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive information.


Evaluating API configurations for security misconfigurations that could expose vulnerabilities.

Rate Limiting and Throttling:

Ensuring APIs are protected against DDoS attacks and brute-force attempts.

Our Deliverables

Clients will receive a detailed report and ongoing technical support until all risks have been removed.

Executive Summary:

A high-level overview of the analysis process, key findings, and an executive risk summary.

Detailed Vulnerability Report:

In-depth descriptions of each identified vulnerability, including its location in the code, risk rating, potential impact, and evidence.

Compliance and Best Practices Review:

An assessment of the application’s adherence to industry security standards and recommendations for alignment with best practices.

Remediation Recommendations:

Step-by-step guidance for remediating identified vulnerabilities, along with suggestions for improving coding practices to enhance security.

Contact Us

Our team of experienced security professionals is committed to delivering actionable results to enhance your organisations security posture. Please click the ‘Contact Us’ button below to get in touch with our team.

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